How do I log in to my family account (child)?

How do I log in to my family account (child)?

To obtain the login procedure for a parent's access, please click on the following link :  How do I log in to my family account (Parent)?.

The family account uses a centralized login method for all users present on the account. The parent will use the same login credentials (full name or email and  password) whether it is for their own access or a child's access.

To sign in to a child profile, simply follow these steps:

1) Go to our website
2) Click on Login, located at the top of the page.

3) Click on Family Account.

4) Enter the full name or email address and the password created upon subscribing to the family plan.

5) From the users' lobby, your child can now select his or her profile. (The child name will appear beneath his or her avatar)

At all times, the parent's profile will be the first one located at the far left.

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